Welcome to C2Kids+

FAQs and Parent Page

This is the place where your questions are met with answers and you’re equipped with expectations for your child’s journey into the modeling industry.

We believe that when you're aware of what to expect, it sets the stage for your child to shine and for you and your child to have a blast throughout the whole experience.

At C2Kids+, we exist to support you in exploring all of the opportunities the modeling industry has to offer.


  • The primary responsibility of a talent agent is to align models with the specific needs of each industry. They work on behalf of their clients to ensure that their child receives optimal working conditions. This entails arranging contracts and work permits, interacting with potential employers, negotiating payment rates, and ensuring compliance with all regulations and guidelines pertaining to working with children. An agent's duty revolves around securing opportunities for their talent by presenting them to potential employers. At C2Kids+, when approached by a client, we engage in negotiations regarding rates, usage rights, and other relevant factors to secure the most favorable deal for the model. Acting as the parent and talent’s guide, agents primarily facilitate communication between hiring clients and the talent.

  • No, The talent never pays anything. Agents receive a commission depending on the type of job booked. C2Kids+ does not make money until our talent makes money, and we take the industry-standard 20% agency fee.

    As for your investment, time is the main source of investment when entering into the kids modeling industry. Make sure you have great submission pictures, and have a flexible schedule to get your child to castings, fittings, and shoots.

  • Most kids' agencies require a contract. At C2Kids+, we want our talent to experience as many bookings as possible, so we do not have contracts on our talent. We do ask that if we get your child into a casting or job that you are exclusive to us with that client. If you’re interested in submitting for a casting, please check out our Current Castings page.

  • Definition of a casting call is a pre-production process where the agent/client wants to see more of the kids that they were interested in from their submission pictures.

    They will ask you to sign in and please include your agency name C2Kids, they will then want to take a few pics of him/her just to make sure he/she is comfortable around a camera.

    Castings can vary in length and can involve lots of waiting around. Therefore, it may be worthwhile to bring books, toys and snacks to entertain your son or daughter

    Think of castings and auditions as job interviews, it is completely normal to be unsuccessful sometimes. In terms of rejection, don’t dwell on it too much. It is a learning experience, each casting will help your child mature and improve upon their skill for their next opportunity. Keep a positive mindset and don’t take it to heart because the right job will be on its way.

  • We work with experienced talent as well as those who are brand new to the industry. Everyone has to start somewhere.

  • Something cute and casual, nothing that will distract or overshadow their look. The client wants to see what the talent looks like naturally.

    Simplicity is key.

  • No, most of our clients actually request recent snapshots over professional headshots. They want to see what your child looks like without any filters. They want photos that show your child’s facial features clearly and capture a sense of his or her personality. A natural smile is a must.

    All snapshots require great lighting, and the clients want to see exactly what your child looks like currently, no hats/headwear, pacifiers, sunglasses, food on face, or anything that could be distracting or take away from the child’s natural look.

  • There are no guarantees on the amount of work available for each child, as the demands and needs of the clients vary. At C2Kids+, we strive to provide as many opportunities as possible for our talent to shine.

  • For our kid models and talent, we need kids who have a great look and a fun personality! We are looking for the "WOW" factor from the moment you meet them. Kids must easily leave their parent(s), take direction well, make eye contact, and be engaging. Our kids must have current, clear and up to date photos, again snapshots are fine, but the image needs to represent what the child looks like currently as sometimes, photos are the only marketing tool we have to get your child booked.

  • There are 2 types of castings:

    What is the difference from an in-person casting or an online casting?

    Some clients require the talent to come in person so they can be seen by the client. Other castings only require an online submission form to be filled out with current submission pictures.

    Sometimes the submission pictures have certain requirements.

    Example: the child to be seated in a car seat, or for the submission picture to be full length so they can see the child standing.

    The casting form will have clear directions on what kind of casting process it will be.

    1: Digital/Online casting: the client makes their selects from the submission pictures

    2. In-person casting: the client will review submissions and decide on who they would like to see at their in person casting

  • Prior to submitting you for a job, clients frequently request us to confirm your availability. If chosen, we will reach out to you via email to inquire about your availability for their shoot dates. It's important to note that this does not guarantee a booking; it simply implies that they believe you would be a suitable fit for the job, and we need to ensure your availability before we submit you. if you are available then we will ask you to "Hold" the dates.

    *A hold or first refusal means that the client wants you to hold that date. A hold is not a booking.

    They only want you to hold the date/s until they decide who they will book.

    A hold means you are one of the top applicants and they now have to put all the pieces of the puzzle together and see if you are the right fit.

    We will let you know ASAP if you are booked or released.


  • Please visit our Current Castings page and follow instructions.

    As far as how it works, when a client calls and asks for a certain age/size/ethnicity of talent, C2Kids+ will then post the casting on our FB page. All casting posts will have clear directions on how to submit, usually through a direct Google link.

  • Casting agents typically seek friendly and sociable nature when considering children for roles, and prior experience is always helpful. It's important to keep in mind that the modeling industry is incredibly diverse, with each client, project, and agency having distinct criteria for selecting models. There are many types of modeling, like sports and fashion, as diverse as our clients, and there are opportunities available for your child.

  • Yes, all minors under the age of 18 must be registered with the GA Department of Labor.

    Please follow the below link to complete the registration process:

    GA DOL website

    Registration is quick and easy, and the DOL number is good for six months. Make sure to keep it in a safe place and take it o all of your bookings. There is no fee for this permit.

    Once you sign up to register and complete the process, you will be sent a confirmation number.

    Once you receive your Certification number, please keep it in a safe place.

  • We work with experienced talent as well as those who are brand new to the industry. Everyone has to start somewhere.

  • Once you’ve been confirmed for your photo shoot, your first step is to make sure the talent is registered with the department of labor. See above question for more details on this.

    You will receive a call sheet that will have location, call times and any brings that the production company would like for you to bring with you on set.

    Make sure your child is well rested before the shoot and come with snacks and toys to make sure the child is comfortable.

  • The department of labor laws have established a set range of approved hours, depending on age.

    Hours kids are allowed to work on set in the state of GA:

    6 months & under- only on set for 20 mins under the lights and 20 mins off and then 20 mins back on- maximum on set is 2 hours.

    6 months- 2 years- they can be on location for 4 hours but can only work for 2 hours.

    2 years -6 years- they can be on set for 6 hours.

    6 years and up- can work for 8 hours.

  • Yes, but most of our clients request you live no more than a 3 hour driving distance from the shoot location, which is mostly in Atlanta, GA.

    Please note that this is a mandatory request as most of our clients have last-minute bookings and would need you to get to set in less than 24hrs notice.

  • Work hours for this industry are normally Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 6:00pm

    Rarely on weekends or evenings. There are some exceptions, but not often.

    Meaning…if you are selected for a job or audition, you will have to adjust your schedule accordingly. You must work on the client's schedule, they don't work around yours.

  • Rates vary and depend on experience, age of talent and usage/terms.

    Suggestion: don't quit your day job just yet. While talent income can be substantial, it is also unpredictable. Only a very few professionals can make a living at it full-time.